Monday, April 18, 2016

A Disclaimer to Anyone who Happens Across this Blog

Hello and greetings to you, browser of the internet!

Thank you for taking the time to click on whatever link brought you to my blog. I know there are an infinite amount of options out there, and I appreciate the time you took to visit.

You may notice that these blog posts focus on the topics of animal rescue, breed-specific legislation, and pet ownership. I acknowledge that these topics have caused many a heated debate among folks.

BEFORE YOU COMMENT: Please read this ------> This blog was created SOLELY for a college course in which I am enrolled, and is reviewed and graded by my professor!!

We were told to choose a topic that we could write about for 11 weeks. I LOVE animals and have had lots and lots and lots of pets over the course of my lifetime. I love talking about them, so I couldn't think of a better subject for my blog!

I do intend to take this blog seriously and share information with the purpose of educating anyone who chooses to read it. However, as this is for college credit, I intend to keep it positive and light and would appreciate it if you would do the same! I have private/personal blog and Facebook pages that I use to converse and debate with my friends, and this site will be deleted once my course has completed.

Thank you in advance for your consideration!!


  1. This is a great idea. I should have thought about this when i created the blog. Good Job.

    1. Thank you! (Sorry I didn't see this until now!) I just know it's a really controversial subject and was worried about inappropriate comments on our class posts!
